Triton Tandem

The Triton is a high performance sporty sea kayak for paddlers who want a fast, seaworthy double kayak.  Contact us for options!

A fun double kayak, suitable for the medium to large paddlers. The kayak is fast and maneuverable its features taken from the Explorer to produce a double sea kayak that is ideal for weekend and week long trips. The Triton is suitable for the intermediate to advanced paddlers.

The Triton is fitted with the high performance glass seat, unless otherwise requested. A retractable skeg is a standard feature, but a rudder can be fitted as an optional extra. The Triton has four fiberglass bulkheads, 2 hatches (front and rear) and an extra 7.5″ (30 cm) day hatch situated behind the stern paddler. Standard keyhole cockpits provide good control and enable easy entry and exit.

A recess for two parachute flares is situated between the two kayakers. The kayak can be Eskimo rolled very easily. Rescuing this double kayak is relatively easy as all water in the cockpits will empty quickly when the bow of the kayak is lifted. The Triton is a high performance sporty sea kayak for paddlers who want a fast, seaworthy double kayak.

A day/weekend kayak for the medium to large sized paddlers. Length: 22.08 feet, width: 22.44 inches, depth: 13.39 inches, overall volume: 125.88 gallons, front hatch volume: 19.28 gallons, cockpit volume: 38.83 gallons, day hatch volume: 9.91 gallons, rear hatch volume: 14.79 gallons.