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Kayak Demo Day
April 23, 2022
10:00 - 14:00
Want to try on an NDK to see how you fit? Want to check out the NEW Latitude? Curious how light that Carbon Kevlar lay-up really is?
Join Paula at Encinal Beach launch (https://sfbaywatertrail.org/trailhead/encinal-beach/) on Alameda on Saturday, April 23 from 10am to 2pm PDT. Let us know that you’re coming! Also, shoot us an email [email protected] or use “Contact Us” to let us know of any questions or special requests. We want to make sure that you get to check out your choice of any of our kayaks as best as we can make available.
Venue: Encinal Beach Boat Ramp
Venue Website: https://sfbaywatertrail.org/trailhead/encinal-beach/
Address:190 Central Ave, Alameda, California, 94501, United States